Tag Archives: brainstorm

Friends and Revelations

I’ve finally figured out the huge GAPING hole in my thesis (let’s leave the smaller ones for another post), which apparently has been staring me in the face the entire time I’ve been going through this process.

Because my project has been largely based on my opinion, without much to ground it in hard research, there has been a definite lack of depth and development of the products. AND, when I finally did the research and found out that everything I had been saying about certain behaviors and beliefs, and the adverse effects of too much self-esteem, I really had nothing original to say.

The products have simply served as ways to highlight those behaviors and attitudes, but as a friend pointed out tonight, so what? What am I trying to prove by creating these products? That these bizarre behaviors exist? No one is denying that they do, and therein lies the problem. I spent so much time thinking about the actions of my peers, and how I could showcase them, that I failed to address the real issue, which is what I actually have to say about all this.

I was touching on it in the beginning of this process when I brought the socially detrimental aspect into the issue, but moved away from it when I realized I wasn’t showing it (I finally get it Barbara!). Especially since all of the research simply reaffirms that not only do the attitudes and beliefs exist, but they are also statistically on the rise….and never once do any of the articles address why it’s an issue, which is what my thesis must do.

These products cannot be about highlighting behaviors, but seek to show why these behaviors are socially detrimental…they create:

  1. A media that capitalizes and embraces these behaviors, making them desirable and glamourous, thus cementing them into the popular cultureĀ 
  2. People only interested in money & material wealth
  3. Indifferent individuals, rather than compassionate community
  4. Acceptance and reenforcement of negative social norms such as narcissism (within one’s social circle)
  5. The idea that working hard is obsolete when accomplishments are simply handed to you
  6. A generation of insecure & dependent individuals, furthering the financial crisis

My goal for the next few days is going to be to brainstorm and create products and services that are based on these ideals.